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Description of Services

We Match Your Needs With The Most Appropriate Senior Care Choices Available

Many Options To Consider

Services for aging adults are available from hundreds of health care communities and providers. These range from those who deliver to an independent senior's door to various levels of dependent living options fro a wide range of geriatric physical and mental conditions.

Issues of aging, disability, long-term illness and denial present serious challenges to all who face them

We are consultants to our clients, assisting them through the maze of home care, placement, planning, insurance, and venue selection issues they face in meeting the needs of aging loved ones.

This assistance can be:

  • Pre-need: dealing with denial and anticipating incremental care for diminishing capabilities;

  • Transition need: totally independent living to the least intrusive setting, always preserving the strengths and dignity for each client;

  • Emergency need: in response to trauma or some sudden change in a client's ability to function.

We posses comprehensive knowledge of service providers and nursing home facilities. Also of importance, Michael T. Coler & Associates is a totally independent organization:

  • We work only for our clients.

  • We have no affiliations with any health care provider of any kind

  • We receive no compensation from service providers of any kind.

  • All recommended actions are focused on the best options preserving the dignity of each client.

All interactions can be done by phone, Skype, or in person, based on convenience and concerns. Typical consultant involves a 4-step process requiring three hours of client time, including:

  1. Interview to establish a case history for the senior needing health care service;

  2. Discussion to explore alternatives among health care options;

  3. Recommendations, based on 1 & 2;

  4. Development of a plan of action, based on recommendations selected by client, or the client's family.

Why Use Our Services

Legal, social, financial, emotional, inter-family, educational, and bioethical issues can be involved in care choices. Finding knowledgeable resources to help you make informed choices in these areas is difficult and time-consuming under the best of circumstances.

Physicians, lawyers, trust officers, social workers and older adult assistance organizations are not always equipped to help on all issues. Our knowledge of available resources and our experience with the development needs of the aging allow us to provide information in an appropriate time frame.

With the knowledge and referral, we are prepared to help you with all issues because of our unique expertise, we can address the questions, and provide sound recommendations within a time frame that meets your circumstance and needs.

How Our Service Works

Our advisory services are designed for seniors located anywhere. At the same time, those making living arrangements for an aging loved one can be located anywhere in the world. 

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